Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Park funness.

Our fun time at the park. :)


It's been a few days since I've posted, so I guess I'll update you about what's going on in my life.

We sold out piece of shit car. Thank fucking good. For $344. Not so much, but it helps. Trust me. Our insurance for the car, which was supposed to be canceled, still came out. That's $68 that we need. We are trying to figure that out. Rent is due tomorrow, well actually yesterday, but we have until tomorrow. So Joe is gonna write the check out, and I will turn it in later in the day, but before 5.

They don't cash is for a few days anyways. But better safe then sorry. We also get our cashaid tomorrow. That's what we are using to pay rent. Roommate ALSO gets paid tomorrow. She has to give us $303. SMUD is due on the 9th. Comcast the 7th. Food stamps comes in on the 7th. Joe gets paid on the 10th. This is so fun.

I need a fucking job, but no one wants to hire me... I haven't worked in 3 fucking years though.

Marshall has really started walking in his shoes. He is doing it right now. We went to the park today. It was fun. :) Have to go get cheerios with WIC later.

His 1 year appointment was yesterday. He is 19.12 lbs and 29.5 inches. He hated the shots. And getting his blood drawn. His doctor wanted to do it because he doesn't eat red meat a lot. But he is in the right ranges. :)

I think that's everything. :)